The Psychic Diaries S4E6 Psychic Medium Kelly Elson

Humour and respect go hand in hand with psychic medium Kelly Elson as we find out during this warm, funny but thought provoking interview into Kelly’s psychic world. She shares her gifts with individuals and groups in private sessions and with law enforcement and families on homicide and missing persons cases; her work has transformed lives. Although best known for her stage presence as a psychic and comedian, she is also an international speaker and event host offering inspirational keynotes reminding audiences that their loved ones are always near and ready to connect with us.

Kelly is also the host of Proof & Concept’s web series “Haunted Things” and is the owner of The Awakenings Centre in Exeter, Ontario, Canada

The Psychic Diaries is hosted by Michael Lamport & Jackie Dennison from Rescue Mediums TV Show

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