Alison’s Got Your Number Numerology forecast January 2022
Happy New Year everyone and welcome to January 2022 and the numerical vibration of the number 7.
It’s strange how the practice of numerology works as you would expect to move forwards with numbers during the months. Hopefully you recall that December was under the influence of the number 8 and now we’ve moved back to 7.
This makes perfect sense when we consider the message from last month, as the number 7 suggests we reflect. Maybe that reflection is about how we spent Christmas, or even what we spent at Christmas. Did you manage family time and if so is there anything you would have done differently? As I’ve said many times before, we can’t change what has happened, but we can learn from it. Christmas makes up just a small part of our year and if things did not go to plan do not let it be the marker for the year to come.
We have entered a new year with a new vibration and lots of changes to look forward to.
You can view my forecast for the year at www.facebook.com/wingsofadove62