Videos596 Videos

Phasmophobia S01E09

Phasmophobia S01E09

The quest into the unknown continues as Andrea puts two challengers through the psychic test. With some twists and turns and the occasional scream, this episode pushes the limits of paranormal reality and poses the vital question: what is real?
RM S05E03

Rescue Mediums S05E03: Till the Cows Come Home (Seagrave)

Arriving through a curious cow-herd, Jackie and Alison explore this farmhouse. They find an angry and abusive male spirit, a frightened female spirit, and an innocent baby in the woman’s arms. The residents have been pushed and pulled and feel […]
Dead Whisper

Dead Whisper

Join Robbie Thomas along with the Indiana Ghost Trackers on a scientific and psychic journey that will amaze you. Experience startling new photographic, audio, and other visual evidence of apparitions and disembodied voices. (Ron James.)

Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes – Episode 4

Episode 4 “Q & A” of the web series Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes In this episode we answer some of the questions that have been asked by fans of the show. There were so many interesting questions that we […]