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In Tenebris S01E02

In Tenebris S01E02

Pushing boundaries again, the investigator and the medium, representing two opposite though not opposing sides of the spectrum, put the dreaded Ouija board to the test. With some provocation, assertion and a good dose of curiosity, this episode will make […]
RM S01E04

Rescue Mediums S01E04: Possession (Oshawa)

Demonic spirits in Oshawa A small home in Oshawa seems to be home to terrifying, almost demonic spirits. The Rescue Mediums uncover layers surrounding the haunting that point to the owner being the source of the psychic disturbances.
tgaaw – The Date

Three Guys and a Witch #7: The Date

A comedic series about an ancient witch who manipulates three unwitting roommates into helping her resurrect an evil demon. It’s The Hangover meets Scooby Doo meets Rosemary’s Baby.