RM S03E04

Rescue Mediums S03E04: Making Amends (Shelburne)

The Loyalist Inn is home to several guests and many spirits: among them a man who left the army and was promised land for his service. The land never came. The Inn has a long and checkered history and other […]
RM S0707

Rescue Mediums S07E07: The Haunted Pub! (Filly and Firkin)

In this lovely neighbourhood pub, some patrons have stayed well beyond last call. Jackie and Alison discover a sad secret and help a troubled spirit to cross over. They let the other ghosties stay around; after all, they don’t have […]
RM S02E06

Rescue Mediums S02E06: Chasing Ghosts (Kirkfield)

This mansion, built in 1896 for Sir William Mackenzie and his wife Margaret, has ghosts in every nook and cranny. While filming this episode there was a complete power outage in the area and a tree split and crashed down […]
RM S07E05

Rescue Mediums S07E05: Weakening the Ouija (Newmarket)

The Rescue Mediums find that a daughter’s use of the Ouija Board had brought some unexpected guests home. Tobogganing to their destination, Jackie and Alison uncover the spirits and an amazing mining history of the area.
RM S07E13

Rescue Mediums S07E13: Penetanguishene

Historic Penetanguishene is the home of a wonderful museum that records the area’s vibrant past. The museum is loaded with artifacts and the spirits of people linked to them. Jackie and Alison have their work cut out for them as […]

The Red Circle

(source: daily record) February 3, 2016 How many hundreds, nay, thousands of paranormal photos have we seen with the supernatural aspect circled in a bold red? It’s certainly a style choice that draws people in because it’s a familiar hallmark […]
RM S02E01

Rescue Mediums S02E01: Last Call (Barrie)

Singing Spirit Over 100 years old, the Barrie opera house has since been converted into a popular nightclub. Employees have seen and felt a mysterious presence and experienced physical manifestations, mostly friendly and mischievous. The building has recently been slated […]
RM S07E12

Rescue Mediums S07E12: Bath

The Rescue Mediums have been called to a gentle home with some very dark spirits. The homeowners have been woken up with shaking beds and footsteps. Alison nearly succumbs to the dark spirit’s strength.