RM S03E07

Rescue Mediums S03E07: Ghostly Attachment (Cambridge)

Near the banks of a fast-flowing river, this modest home has nearly all of its human occupants awake at night. Shadows and bumps and loud conversations are the norm. The daughter has been whispered at and her hair touched while […]
RM S06E06

Rescue Mediums S06E06: Hannah And No Sisters (Hamilton)

A young couple fears for the safety of their children in a house that is crying out for help. The residents dread the onset of darkness and feel the spirit watching them. The Rescue Mediums attempt to re-unite two lost […]
RM S03E05

Rescue Mediums S03E05: Pulling A Few Strings (Dartmouth)

The icy waters of the North Atlantic surround this port-side town and the Rescue Mediums get much more than they bargained for, once again! A long-dead family member of the homeowner comes to help in the rescue and a puppet […]
RM S07E08

Rescue Mediums S07E08: A Watery Grave (Erindale)

The Rescue Mediums come across a psychic young woman who is terrified because of the things she sees in her home. She and her mother live with many, many spirits. Jackie and Alison chase the apparitions around the house and […]
Rm S06E03

Rescue Mediums S06E03: Heartbreak Hotel (Ezra Anne’s House)

In this beautiful bed and breakfast, the Rescue Mediums uncover a story of maternal heartbreak and war. The home was moved from its original location and the homeowner has heard the piano playing and felt many spirits watching her. Through […]

Interview: Mark Larocque & Trevor Bishop from OGPS

(pictured: Mark & Trevor) January 5, 2016 OGPS Filming & Investigations was founded in early 2010 and is Ontario’s first openly gay paranormal society. They’re breaking down the walls within the paranormal world & the LGBT community. They’ve been filming […]
RM S07E09

Rescue Mediums S07E09: Ghostly Passage (Russett Ave)

Noises and a feeling of an evil presence pervades the house. Jackie is powerfully over-shadowed by a long-dead Sea Captain who used to ply the waters of the West Indies. The homeowners have been troubled for years and feel as […]