RM S06E08

Rescue Mediums S06E08: Of Hay and Horses (Mansfield)

This beautiful farmhouse surrounded by rolling hills is the centre of some very dark shadows that worry the owners. Jackie and Alison feel a spirit’s pain and discover the man who built the house. He reveals a tragic tale of […]
RM S06E10

Rescue Mediums S06E10: Into The Woods (Ariss)

In this somewhat isolated home on the outskirts of a small town, strange happenings have been seen and felt. The Rescue Mediums are drawn to the surrounding land even more than the home itself and go on a spirit chase […]

The Vortex: Old Timey Haunted Millennials

Nope. (source: Cracked) March 7, 2016 “13 Old Timey Photos That Prove History Was Haunted”. Creeped out from the get-go with those hooded mothers lurking behind their small children, but that ventriloquist’s dummies were even more horrifying in a previous […]

Rescue Mediums S02E12: Suffer the Children (Guelph)

This house in a relatively new sub-division is home to a young family with three wonderful kids. But the parents are worried. The middle child has seen the shadow of a spirit that goes by the name of Mr. Jenkins. […]

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes season 2 ep 6

The loss of his entire family who drowned on The Lusitania caused Daniel Lambie to cause ghostly havoc to Sheralyn and her Mother Laura. Sheralyn would fight with an unseen entity night after night. How did the story unfold, and […]

Interview: Sadie Forth of Indico Paranormal

November 25, 2015 Sadie Forth started actively investigating paranormal phenomena “properly” in 2013 with a local group. She founded Indico Paranormal later that year when her passion to understand her past ghostly experiences and a desire to help others caught […]