RM S06E11

Rescue Mediums S06E11: A Lovely Triangle (Cobourg)

A mother and her two daughters hear things that go bump in the night. The Rescue Mediums discover a male spirit whose marriage was in trouble during his lifetime and he became infatuated with another woman. His wife suffered a […]
RM S04E10

Rescue Mediums S04E10: Neigh-sayers No More! (Harrowsmith)

A small, idyllic horse farm sits near the famous Wilton Cheese Factory. Occupied by Lorraine, a Kingston hospital nurse, her husband, a Canadian Military officer, and their daughter. Lorraine feels at home with the spirits, but not so for the […]
RM S04E03

Rescue Mediums S04E03: A Ghostly Art (Georgetown)

The street is quiet, but not so this home. Two girls will not sleep in the basement bedroom and do not even like being in the house. Pictures have flown off walls and electrical appliances are turned on and off. […]
RM S05E04

Rescue Mediums S05E04: The Bogeyman In The Bathroom (Preston)

Historical haunted house This riverside town is teeming with history, and this home has two historical figures in it! The homeowners constantly feel they are being watched, their children wake up screaming, and swirling lights can be seen frequently.
RM S05E11

Rescue Mediums S05E11: A Bad Omen (Penetang St.)

The homeowners believe that a bad omen lingers over their house. They have seen a figure moving throughout their home and through the windows on their walks home, but there is never anyone inside. Previous homeowners have always left the […]
RM S07E03

Rescue Mediums S07E03: Child’s Play (Kitchener)

A mother fears for the safety of her children as supernatural and other-worldly presences swirl around them. Jackie and Alison help the haunted into the light and uncover an amazing history of the land and the home.
RM S06E01

Rescue Mediums S06E01: The Reiki Room Romp (Courtice)

The homeowner has felt the terrifying experience of being dragged out of her body by some unknown force. Her reiki room might be the portal. The Rescue Mediums are being watched as they search the home’s exterior for clues and […]
RM S07E10

Rescue Mediums S07E10: Father Knows Best (Ironwood Rd.)

A gentle, caring family is constantly being disturbed by footsteps and poltergeist activity. They feel the spirits in their home are violent. The Rescue Mediums also sense a frightened spirit. Alison is taken over by the spirit and the smell […]