In a tranquil suburban home, a young daughter has been possessed by a restless spirit. The family has intervened to find out the cause and a way to make the entity leave.
Jackie and Alison come face-to-face with a diabolical lunatic who has the ability to perform deep magic from the Other Side. The homeowner, desperate to protect his wife and child, has experienced clawing sensations and has seen evil spirits run […]
A young couple fears for the safety of their children in a house that is crying out for help. The residents dread the onset of darkness and feel the spirit watching them. The Rescue Mediums attempt to re-unite two lost […]
A wonderful family who are coping with MS and Autism in two of their adult sons, are put to the test by spirits in their home. Set in the rolling hills of the countryside, they report noises, feelings of isolation, […]
The Rescue Mediums come across a psychic young woman who is terrified because of the things she sees in her home. She and her mother live with many, many spirits. Jackie and Alison chase the apparitions around the house and […]
In this beautiful bed and breakfast, the Rescue Mediums uncover a story of maternal heartbreak and war. The home was moved from its original location and the homeowner has heard the piano playing and felt many spirits watching her. Through […]
Jackie and Alison investigate the home of a wonderful family of six who have been disturbed by bangings, bumps, exploding lights and uncomfortable feelings all around. They find a child spirit who was once in a local home for boys, […]
A young couple are disturbed when disembodied voices and visions appear in their home. Thankfully, even though the name of the area is Devil’s Creek, no devil is found! But a mysterious male spirit is discovered by the Rescue Mediums […]
This could well be the most powerful ghost haunting the Rescue Mediums have every encountered! The strong, dark spirit drives Alison from the home and she feels she may not be able to continue. Jackie, too, becomes overshadowed. The Rescue […]
Noises and a feeling of an evil presence pervades the house. Jackie is powerfully over-shadowed by a long-dead Sea Captain who used to ply the waters of the West Indies. The homeowners have been troubled for years and feel as […]
The family has moved from one house to another and experienced strange happenings everywhere. Good friends have visited (one, a police officer) and will not return, as they have often come up against a wall of icy chill. The Rescue […]
A century home that now serves as part daycare has been visited by many spirits. The homeowners have had paranormal investigation teams in before. When the Rescue Mediums get there, they uncover some ghosts and more!