A ghostly apparition who talks to the homeowners young daughter. Strange sounds heard through a kitchen sink drain, a woman who died in extreme circumstances and Alison not being able to breathe are just some of the situations that the […]
The homeowner has felt the terrifying experience of being dragged out of her body by some unknown force. Her reiki room might be the portal. The Rescue Mediums are being watched as they search the home’s exterior for clues and […]
This could well be the most powerful ghost haunting the Rescue Mediums have every encountered! The strong, dark spirit drives Alison from the home and she feels she may not be able to continue. Jackie, too, becomes overshadowed. The Rescue […]
Why did the Rescue Mediums feel they were being used as bait by a spirit they described as a schizophrenic manic ghost? How do you close a Ouija board down properly and can smudging help to remove a spirit entity? […]
In this beautiful home, Jackie and Alison follow a bird talisman as it guides them towards a rescue. The homeowners have heard many footsteps creaking on the stairs at night and the lights have been turning on and off in […]
Nestled in the rolling hills of Caledon, this home is troubled by doors opening and closing by themselves and shadow people in the hallways. The Rescue Mediums divine that the previous owners, a wonderful couple who were friends of the […]
The loss of his entire family who drowned on The Lusitania caused Daniel Lambie to cause ghostly havoc to Sheralyn and her Mother Laura. Sheralyn would fight with an unseen entity night after night. How did the story unfold, and […]
The family has moved from one house to another and experienced strange happenings everywhere. Good friends have visited (one, a police officer) and will not return, as they have often come up against a wall of icy chill. The Rescue […]
The Rescue Mediums find that a daughter’s use of the Ouija Board had brought some unexpected guests home. Tobogganing to their destination, Jackie and Alison uncover the spirits and an amazing mining history of the area.
A disembodied head, a grieving heart, lovers lost in time and a tragic story……… join the Rescue Mediums as they go ‘Behind the Scenes’ as they discuss their experiences in this episode filmed at Georgetown. Behind the Scenes is hosted […]