RM S06E13

Rescue Mediums S06E13: Lettuce Pray (Cabbagetown)

This big-city home has had ghosts around it for years. The Rescue Mediums watch as the spirit moves through a wall to another apartment and feel they must follow. A family reunion and a happy ending may be in sight.
RM S07E11

Rescue Mediums S07E11: Nelson

A couple has things moving around in their home, but they have rearranged nothing. The previously skeptical husband has changed his tune and the Rescue Mediums uncover a ghostly presence who likes spirits –the drinking kind!

Edna’s Blog 3: The Resolution

March 15, 2016 Edna Dargie was the Head Researcher for every episode of Rescue Mediums. As a retired school principal, she brought her professionalism and love for historic accuracy and detail to the show. Edna’s blog is about her experiences […]
Rm S06E03

Rescue Mediums S06E03: Heartbreak Hotel (Ezra Anne’s House)

In this beautiful bed and breakfast, the Rescue Mediums uncover a story of maternal heartbreak and war. The home was moved from its original location and the homeowner has heard the piano playing and felt many spirits watching her. Through […]

Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes – Episode 8

Episode 8 “Q & A” of the web series Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes Do you think that in the future the Rescue Mediums should investigate famous haunted locations around the World ? Tune in to this episode to find […]