Alison’s Got Your Number Monthly Forecast for March 2021
Welcome to March and the numerological vibration of the number 8.
My immediate thought is what goes round, comes around. Or are you running around in circles? Or maybe even running away from something? With the number 8 comes power and ambition, and personal recognition. Is there something you are striving to achieve but you are letting a past situation hold you back? Grab it by the horns, after all it is the year of the Ox, face it and move forward. This is your month to shine.
With power and ambition often comes wealth. This, of course, can lead to greed. Don’t let your desires make you selfish. This is the month to challenge yourself but not to the exclusion of others. Afterall, we all function better as part of a wider network, something this past year should have taught us.
As I write this in the middle of February, I am aware that we have almost come full circle to where we were last year. There have been a lot of ambitious and powerful people in the spotlight who haven’t always got things right. Perhaps now with this new vibration moving into our lives we can start to see a positive change.
You can view my forecast for the coming year at www.facebook.com/wingsofadove62
Alison can be found at Feathers Academy https://www.feathersmediums.co.uk