Paranormal Series145 Videos

Rescue Mediums S02E12: Suffer the Children (Guelph)

This house in a relatively new sub-division is home to a young family with three wonderful kids. But the parents are worried. The middle child has seen the shadow of a spirit that goes by the name of Mr. Jenkins. […]
In Tenebris S01E01

In Tenebris S01E01

Set in the historic village of Coal Creek, Andrea Kaldy, a medium, and Beth Luscombe, a paranormal investigator, travel to Melbourne to meet up with the Australian Paranormal Society. Team medium Lionel uses his traumatic life experiences to connect with […]

Ghost Cases: Bridestones Radio Station (eps. 9)

Paul and Holly investigate a popular and potentially haunted Manchester radio station and then spend the evening at a 10,000 year old burial site near Congleton, England where a ghostly Druid monk has been reportedly seen.

Ghost Cases: White Hart Hotel (eps. 6)

Paul and Holly join a group of investigators from the UK. The White Hart Hotel is reported to be haunted by demonic activity while others have reported seeing the ghost of a playful little boy.
Phasmophobia S01E04

Phasmophobia S01E04

As the night moves on, activity lures them from one end of the building to the other, causing the team to split up with dire consequences. Things quickly escalate after the alarm goes off in a locked off area of […]

Ghost Cases: Louisbourg Fortress (eps. 5)

Paul and Holly investigate a historic French fortress that witnessed two of the largest land and sea battles in North America. The fort may be haunted by the ghosts of its former inhabitants
Phasmophobia S01E03

Phasmophobia S01E03

The crew is joined by Dr. Tony Jinks on an investigation of an abandoned health care facility with a long history of outstanding phenomena. Set in the middle of the woods, the paranormal enquirers dive into this dark, foreboding building.
Phasmophobia S01E02

Phasmophobia S01E02

Ward 9 yields some interesting results, while Ward 10 proves to be too much for our participants. The doctor’s cottage that once had a bear pit next to it may be a hive of activity.
tgaaw – The Hunt

Three Guys and a Witch #1: The Hunt

A comedic series about an ancient witch who manipulates three unwitting roommates into helping her resurrect an evil demon. It’s The Hangover meets Scooby Doo meets Rosemary’s Baby.
In Tenebris S01E02

In Tenebris S01E02

Pushing boundaries again, the investigator and the medium, representing two opposite though not opposing sides of the spectrum, put the dreaded Ouija board to the test. With some provocation, assertion and a good dose of curiosity, this episode will make […]

Ghost Cases: Shocklach Village (eps. 7)

Paul and Holly investigate a 12th century property near the historic village of Shocklach, England. Reports from this location include time portals, full bodied apparitions, light and sound anomalies.