Paranormal Investigations90 Videos

UK Ghoshunters – The Derby Barracks

UK Ghosthunters: The Derby Barracks

The team feels anxious as they investigate this seemingly normal-looking building. There have been paranormal reports both day and night that invlove large objects moving of their own accord, a child singing, and a spirit crouching in one of the […]
UK Ghosthunters – Saltmarshe Hall

UK Ghosthunters: Saltmarshe Hall

This mansion has stood for well over a hundred years and is full of spirit!  The team starts to peel back the layers of the onion…
UK Ghosthunters – Drakelow Tunnels

UK Ghosthunters: Drakelow Tunnels

This dynamic group examines the Drakelow Tunnels that have a mysterious and old history. They are one of several paranormal investigation groups that have gone through this frightening underground maze.
PRISM – Villisca Axe Murder House

PRISM: Villisca Axe Murder House

Eight people were viciously murdered with an axe in this house in Iowa in 1868. The murderer was never found and it remains Iowa’s oldest unsolved mystery. During this investigation, we can hear remarkably clear EVPs of two of the […]
PRISM – O’Connors Irish Pub

PRISM: O’Connors Irish Pub

Katie, the pub owner, asks if there are any spirits in the bar (aside from that kind, of course). She gets an answer immediately.
GHOST – The Golden Lion

G.H.O.S.T.: The Golden Lion

The team digs into the spiritual secrets of an old British pub. They’ve left trigger objects from a previous visit and seek out what’s causing the growls and voices.
GHOST – Neslam

G.H.O.S.T.: Nelsam

The team visits the North East Land, Sea and Air Museum in Sunderland, England, reputedly haunted by a number of spirits in hangers around the site for a number of years. It’s located near a Roman burial ground, which some […]