The Bowmanville Museum

April 4, 2016 veryparanormal will be visiting the Bowmanville Museum on Saturday, April 9th (9pm ET), to stream a live investigation conducted by Proo(f) and hosted by Michael Lamport, with medium Sandy Duncan assisting with psychic insights. (Link to watch […]

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes, season 2 ep 4

The residents of the house hear ghostly foot steps, and feel they are being watched. Previous psychics have refused to enter the property. So how did the Rescue Mediums react when they were confronted with an angry male spirit and […]

The Psychic Diaries Ep1 – Megan’s Psychic Diary

We chat with young psychic Megan Downs whose many talents include tea leaf reading and working with ‘ghost’ writers who help her to compose music! Megan will shortly be starting her own video blog Megan’s Psychic Diary exclusively for […]

The Psychic Box – oracle card reading

  What’s in the psychic box today ? Join me as I share this amazing new deck of cards with you The Psychic Box is hosted by Jackie Dennison the cards used in this video are ‘The Sacred Forest’ by […]