RM S06E11

Rescue Mediums S06E11: A Lovely Triangle (Cobourg)

A mother and her two daughters hear things that go bump in the night. The Rescue Mediums discover a male spirit whose marriage was in trouble during his lifetime and he became infatuated with another woman. His wife suffered a […]
RM S06E01

Rescue Mediums S06E01: The Reiki Room Romp (Courtice)

The homeowner has felt the terrifying experience of being dragged out of her body by some unknown force. Her reiki room might be the portal. The Rescue Mediums are being watched as they search the home’s exterior for clues and […]
RM S07E03

Rescue Mediums S07E03: Child’s Play (Kitchener)

A mother fears for the safety of her children as supernatural and other-worldly presences swirl around them. Jackie and Alison help the haunted into the light and uncover an amazing history of the land and the home.
RM S07E10

Rescue Mediums S07E10: Father Knows Best (Ironwood Rd.)

A gentle, caring family is constantly being disturbed by footsteps and poltergeist activity. They feel the spirits in their home are violent. The Rescue Mediums also sense a frightened spirit. Alison is taken over by the spirit and the smell […]
RM S02E02

Rescue Mediums S02E02: Mystery and Mythology (Annex)

Animal ESP | Chills This building, believed to have been erected in the 1920s, has since been renovated into a series of smaller apartments, some of which still retain their original gas fireplaces and Kelvinator ice boxes. Residents have seen […]
RM S02E10

Rescue Mediums S02E10: Days of Future Past (Mt. Albert)

Behind the sterile facade of this sprawling Mount Albert home are decayed monuments to both days of glory and of despair. Formerly a retirement home and a centre for troubled youths, this building echoes with tremendous sadness. Two psychic sisters […]
RM S02E03

Rescue Mediums S02E03: Trick Or Treat (Grimsby)

Spirits in Wine Country Located in the heart of Ontario’s stunning wine country, this unusual home has on-going activity of the ghostly kind and a skeptical male homeowner. His wife and children have been touched by ghosts and the youngest […]
RM S07E11

Rescue Mediums S07E11: Nelson

A couple has things moving around in their home, but they have rearranged nothing. The previously skeptical husband has changed his tune and the Rescue Mediums uncover a ghostly presence who likes spirits –the drinking kind!
RM S06E13

Rescue Mediums S06E13: Lettuce Pray (Cabbagetown)

This big-city home has had ghosts around it for years. The Rescue Mediums watch as the spirit moves through a wall to another apartment and feel they must follow. A family reunion and a happy ending may be in sight.