The participants have a technical challenge to work in pairs with surveillance equipment to monitor areas with reported activity. Who has the guts to investigate what they see? Do they know what is real and what isn’t?
Set in scenic Jenolan Caves in NSW, with ghost stories aplenty, they go underground to investigate potential activity produced by 19th century cave-explorers who perished there. The historic Cave House restaurant is reported to have plenty of phenomena by a […]
The quest into the unknown continues as Andrea puts two challengers through the psychic test. With some twists and turns and the occasional scream, this episode pushes the limits of paranormal reality and poses the vital question: what is real?
In the finale, Andrea introduces two paranormal investigative groups (ESP and Feminine Spirit), two mediums, two challengers, and an independent investigator to a never-before-investigated location. The guests arrive blindfolded and their ultimate tasks are revealed.