The Quirky Medium in Spain – Farewell knees up!

DIVINE TIMING! Our pets were a priority in relation to the move but I couldn’t believe it when some people asked if we were giving them away!.  How could we even contemplate letting our furry family go who have loved […]

Edna’s Blog 2: The Rescue

March 3, 2016 Edna Dargie was the Head Researcher for all 89 episodes of Rescue Mediums. As a retired school principal, she brought her professionalism and love for historic accuracy and detail to the show. Edna’s blog is about her […]
RM S04E08

Rescue Mediums S04E08: A Ghostly Detention (King City)

The manager of an old school house and her assistant were recently moving some items down to the basement when they were stopped in their tracks by a deep, terrifying growling. They dropped what they were doing and had the […]
RM S07E08

Rescue Mediums S07E08: A Watery Grave (Erindale)

The Rescue Mediums come across a psychic young woman who is terrified because of the things she sees in her home. She and her mother live with many, many spirits. Jackie and Alison chase the apparitions around the house and […]
RM S06E11

Rescue Mediums S06E11: A Lovely Triangle (Cobourg)

A mother and her two daughters hear things that go bump in the night. The Rescue Mediums discover a male spirit whose marriage was in trouble during his lifetime and he became infatuated with another woman. His wife suffered a […]
HAYS – Palgrave

HAYS: Palgrave

Much has improved in this home where floating heads were seen on the stairs and the backyard had old graves beyond the homeowner’s fence. (As seen in Rescue Mediums S02E08.)

The Psychic Diaries S3E2 – A Russian, Frenchman and A Viking!

What do a Russian, French man and a Viking have in common? Join Michael, Jackie and Megan Downs to find out……. Hosted by Michael Lamport & Jackie Dennison from Rescue Mediums TV Show