RM S05E07

Rescue Mediums S05E07: A Sinking Feeling (Clarington)

In this suburban house, the daughter and the mother have experienced increasingly difficult ghostly matters. Shaking beds, portals, and whispers are changing the way they live. They need the Rescue Mediums to close the door to the otherworld in order […]

Jackie’s Blog – White Dolphin meditation

Hi, I’m Jackie Dennison from the TV Show Rescue Mediums & Feathers Academy and I just have to tell you about something pretty special that happened to me. I had the total experience whilst having a pampering session using the […]

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes S2E12 Spirit Attachment

A teenage girl overcome by an attached spirit is the subject of this episode of Behind the Scenes. How did the Rescue Mediums detach the entity and restore peace ? Featuring Rescue Mediums ‘Baylor Drive’ S7E4 https://veryparanormal.com/rescue-mediums/rm-s07e04-baylor-drive/?series=rescue-mediums-season-7 Behind the Scenes […]
RM S04E01

Rescue Mediums S04E01: Over The Rainbow (Hillsburgh)

In one of the oldest villages in Ontario stands a home that has undergone extensive renovations. It sits on a lot that was once used as a town dumping ground. A dumping ground for many things, possibly including unwanted bodies. […]
RM S02E03

Rescue Mediums S02E03: Trick Or Treat (Grimsby)

Spirits in Wine Country Located in the heart of Ontario’s stunning wine country, this unusual home has on-going activity of the ghostly kind and a skeptical male homeowner. His wife and children have been touched by ghosts and the youngest […]