Rescue Mediums S02E12: Suffer the Children (Guelph)

This house in a relatively new sub-division is home to a young family with three wonderful kids. But the parents are worried. The middle child has seen the shadow of a spirit that goes by the name of Mr. Jenkins. […]
RM S0707

Rescue Mediums S07E07: The Haunted Pub! (Filly and Firkin)

In this lovely neighbourhood pub, some patrons have stayed well beyond last call. Jackie and Alison discover a sad secret and help a troubled spirit to cross over. They let the other ghosties stay around; after all, they don’t have […]
RM S03E11

Rescue Mediums S03E11: Heavy Metal (Galt)

Sinking bones. This old stone home sits on a quiet suburban street. Not much unusual here… except that a sinkhole in the garden contains a ribcage, giant chandeliers move of their own accord, and screams and banging emanates from inside […]

Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes – Episode 3

Episode 3 “The Cheers” of the web series Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes In this episode focusing on the much needed ‘cheers’ at the end of the show – and oh yes, particularly the ‘bad puns’. Sandy Duncan interviews the […]

The Psychic Diaries season 3 ep 3 Leatreanna Brown

Author, psychic, shaman and paranormal investigator Leitreanna Brown shares some of her amazing experiences. Coming from a long line of natural clairvoyants on her mothers side, adding into that mix her cryptozoologist fathers Cherokee roots, you will understand why we […]