HAYS – Georgetown

HAYS: Georgetown

This homeowner still has visitations from the Other Side, but the negativity she felt before seems to have dissipated. (As seen in Rescue Mediums S04E03.)

Michael’s Blog 2: Who You Gonna Call?

Michael Lamport is the co-creator, c0-producer, and narrator of  Rescue Mediums. He hosts veryparanormal’s new series How Are Your Spirits? where he returns to houses and businesses from Rescue Mediums and finds out how they’re doing with their spirits now. […]
Phasmophobia S01E08

Phasmophobia S01E08

Exploring the world of psychics. Participants are briefed on buildings being investigated with some planted false information to see the influence on perception. After a crash course in psychic development, they’re sent to do lone vigils with nothing but a […]
RM S04E08

Rescue Mediums S04E08: A Ghostly Detention (King City)

The manager of an old school house and her assistant were recently moving some items down to the basement when they were stopped in their tracks by a deep, terrifying growling. They dropped what they were doing and had the […]

The Quirky Medium in Spain – Farewell knees up!

DIVINE TIMING! Our pets were a priority in relation to the move but I couldn’t believe it when some people asked if we were giving them away!.  How could we even contemplate letting our furry family go who have loved […]

Michael’s Blog 3: Churchill Mansion

Michael Lamport is the co-creator, co-producer, and narrator of  Rescue Mediums. He hosts veryparanormal’s new series  How Are Your Spirits? where he returns to houses and businesses from Rescue Mediums and finds out how they’re doing with their spirits now. […]
PRISM – Paris Catacombs

PRISM: The Paris Catacombs

The Paris Catacombs are a huge subterranean tunnel network stretching over 300km in France. Beginning in 1785, Paris’s overpopulated cemeteries were exhumed and millions of bodies were transferred to The Catacombs. Monumental tablets and archways bear inscriptions; black lines were […]