Ghost Lake

Paranormal Highways: Ghost Lake

The Paranormal Highways Team investigates an area off of Shades of Death Road in northern New Jersey, where there are reports of haunted activity around a lake and a small cave that was once used by local Native Americans. The […]

The Vortex: February 8, 2016

(source: flickr/vandinglewop) We all know paranormal activity can be detected anywhere, not just haunted houses. California is home to many stunning sights and naturally has many well-trod trails where activity has been reported. This article presents these places as extreme […]
RM S01E08

Rescue Mediums S01E08: What’s Behind The Door? (Bervie)

Spirit Animals A 130-year old home that survived town fires, the Rescue Mediums come up against ghosts and very unlikely animals: a roaring lion lives across the street, and a birdhouse of gargantuan proportions. The homeowner is psychic and teams […]
GHOST – Doxford House

G.H.O.S.T.: Doxford House

On a creepy, foggy night in the UK, drizzling with English rain, the team visits this haunted mansion. Tapping, noises and groans abound; the team takes a primarily scientific approach.
Leeds Asylum Part 2

Indico Paranormal: Leeds Asylum Part 2

‘In Part 2, Sam joins Sadie and Laura on their paranormal investigation, where the girls experience some frightening encounters! Both are physically touched and taunted by a nasty male presence who is captured on camera via a PSB11 Session asking […]
Phasmophobia S01E06

Phasmophobia S01E06

The participants have a technical challenge to work in pairs with surveillance equipment to monitor areas with reported activity. Who has the guts to investigate what they see? Do they know what is real and what isn’t?
UK Ghosthunters – Saltmarshe Hall

UK Ghosthunters: Saltmarshe Hall

This mansion has stood for well over a hundred years and is full of spirit!  The team starts to peel back the layers of the onion…
Station 468

SKPI: Station 468

SKPI team walks around in a WW2 Control Tower, now a museum, and connects with spirits who served there.

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes, season 2 ep 4

The residents of the house hear ghostly foot steps, and feel they are being watched. Previous psychics have refused to enter the property. So how did the Rescue Mediums react when they were confronted with an angry male spirit and […]