Phasmophobia S01E10

Phasmophobia S01E10

In the finale, Andrea introduces two paranormal investigative groups (ESP and Feminine Spirit), two mediums, two challengers, and an independent investigator to a never-before-investigated location. The guests arrive blindfolded and their ultimate tasks are revealed.
St. Patrick’s Cemetery Part 1

HPP: St. Patrick’s Cemetery Part 1

Rumours of a ghostly figure bring the HPP team to St. Patrick’s Cemetery in Broome County, New York, where they attempt to contact any spirits or presences which may be lingering there.

The Vortex: December 18, 2015

(source: Alice Smeets) THE VORTEX is where we look at what paranormal and new age stories were pulled into our realm this week. Two astronauts aboard Gemini 6 in 1965 report to Mission Control, “We have an object, looks like […]

Edna’s Blog 3: The Resolution

March 15, 2016 Edna Dargie was the Head Researcher for every episode of Rescue Mediums. As a retired school principal, she brought her professionalism and love for historic accuracy and detail to the show. Edna’s blog is about her experiences […]