Woman Films Supposed Poltergeist

Woman Films a Supposed Poltergeist ‘Trashing’ Her Home

Is this poltergeist activity? From Occult Museum on YouTube: “Filmed in 2015 by Ashy Murphy from Ireland, who claims her home is haunted. Lights swinging, cupboard doors opening by themselves and objects flying around the room.” I know why I […]
RM S04E12

Rescue Mediums S04E12: Spirits in the City (Dane Ave)

In the Northwest part of Toronto, Joe and Mary built their dream house eighteen years ago. A lavish interior on a quiet residential street where they could bring up their two children, Suzanne and Neil, now 25 and 28 years […]
RM S05E10

Rescue Mediums S05E10: Pride and Honour (Innisfil)

The women in this home have all felt odd and disturbing things. Doors opening and closing, strange odours that linger and vanish as quickly as they arrive, dark shadows, and things moving of their own accord. One daughter stares into […]
Investigation 25 April

SKPI: Investigation 25 April

Recorded groans and sighs during an investigation in an old structure. Recorded spirit-like sounds while investigator tries to communicate.

The Red Circle

(source: daily record) February 3, 2016 How many hundreds, nay, thousands of paranormal photos have we seen with the supernatural aspect circled in a bold red? It’s certainly a style choice that draws people in because it’s a familiar hallmark […]
HAYS – Palgrave

HAYS: Palgrave

Much has improved in this home where floating heads were seen on the stairs and the backyard had old graves beyond the homeowner’s fence. (As seen in Rescue Mediums S02E08.)

Michael’s Blog 3: Churchill Mansion

Michael Lamport is the co-creator, co-producer, and narrator of  Rescue Mediums. He hosts veryparanormal’s new series  How Are Your Spirits? where he returns to houses and businesses from Rescue Mediums and finds out how they’re doing with their spirits now. […]
Phasmophobia S01E09

Phasmophobia S01E09

The quest into the unknown continues as Andrea puts two challengers through the psychic test. With some twists and turns and the occasional scream, this episode pushes the limits of paranormal reality and poses the vital question: what is real?