HAYS – Palgrave

HAYS: Palgrave

Much has improved in this home where floating heads were seen on the stairs and the backyard had old graves beyond the homeowner’s fence. (As seen in Rescue Mediums S02E08.)
Proo(f) – Oshawa Museum

Proo(f): Oshawa Museum

The old Oshawa museum comes under the psychic microscope as Proo(f) seeks to determine what paranormal activity is going on here.
RM S05E04

Rescue Mediums S05E04: The Bogeyman In The Bathroom (Preston)

Historical haunted house This riverside town is teeming with history, and this home has two historical figures in it! The homeowners constantly feel they are being watched, their children wake up screaming, and swirling lights can be seen frequently.
RM S02E03

Rescue Mediums S02E03: Trick Or Treat (Grimsby)

Spirits in Wine Country Located in the heart of Ontario’s stunning wine country, this unusual home has on-going activity of the ghostly kind and a skeptical male homeowner. His wife and children have been touched by ghosts and the youngest […]

Interview: Vijay Persaud from The Paranormal Perspective

March 11, 2016 Vijay Persaud has been a personal trainer for over eighteen years and mixed martial artist for twenty-nine years. The thrill of finding what’s out there has driven him to be a paranormal investigator since 1996. He’s the […]
GHOST – Neslam

G.H.O.S.T.: Nelsam

The team visits the North East Land, Sea and Air Museum in Sunderland, England, reputedly haunted by a number of spirits in hangers around the site for a number of years. It’s located near a Roman burial ground, which some […]
RM S03E02

Rescue Mediums S03E02: Marching into the Light (Alliston)

WWI ghost The homeowner’s children have seen a man dressed in full WWI military gear marching up and down their upstairs corridor. Passersby have remarked on the figure that sits in the upstairs window and looks out onto the street. […]
RM S07E09

Rescue Mediums S07E09: Ghostly Passage (Russett Ave)

Noises and a feeling of an evil presence pervades the house. Jackie is powerfully over-shadowed by a long-dead Sea Captain who used to ply the waters of the West Indies. The homeowners have been troubled for years and feel as […]