The team digs into the spiritual secrets of an old British pub. They’ve left trigger objects from a previous visit and seek out what’s causing the growls and voices.
One of the homeowner’s is a strong man of Scottish descent, slightly skeptical and usually able to hold his own in any circumstances, but he keeps nightlights on in every electrical socket in every room. He is warding off something […]
A gentle, caring family is constantly being disturbed by footsteps and poltergeist activity. They feel the spirits in their home are violent. The Rescue Mediums also sense a frightened spirit. Alison is taken over by the spirit and the smell […]
The Ponderosa Campground: some residents live year-round and some come and go in the summer. Some never leave at all. Four suicides and several inexplicable deaths have occurred on the property, and many residents testify that they have witnessed a […]
The team feels anxious as they investigate this seemingly normal-looking building. There have been paranormal reports both day and night that invlove large objects moving of their own accord, a child singing, and a spirit crouching in one of the […]
Jackie and Alison come face-to-face with a diabolical lunatic who has the ability to perform deep magic from the Other Side. The homeowner, desperate to protect his wife and child, has experienced clawing sensations and has seen evil spirits run […]
This is one of the best apparitions that I have ever seen. The photo was taken during one of our (Feathers Academy) investigations at Tatton Old Hall by Carl Murphy. He saw the figure moving and took a series […]