00:26 SKPI: Yarmouth Gaol SKPI team makes connections with the spirits in an old jail and share their moving experiences afterward. Hecate May 12, 2016 234 0
00:25 E&K: Ramsgate Ghost Investigation A hotbed of spirit activity and strange animal sounds. Hecate May 16, 2016 276 0
00:03 E&K: Ghost Voice in WWII Type 2 Pillbox A ghostly voice in a pillbox. Hecate May 16, 2016 192 0
00:05 The Spook Troopers: Episode 5 A comedic ghost hunting web series. (Moonlark Media.) Hecate May 20, 2016 132 0
00:03 The Spook Troopers: Episode 4 A comedic ghost hunting web series. (Moonlark Media.) Hecate May 20, 2016 158 0
00:04 The Spook Troopers: Episode 3 A comedic ghost hunting web series. (Moonlark Media.) Hecate May 20, 2016 138 0
00:03 The Spook Troopers: Episode 2 A comedic ghost hunting web series. (Moonlark Media.) Hecate May 20, 2016 137 0
00:03 The Spook Troopers: Episode 1 A comedic ghost hunting web series. (Moonlark Media.) Hecate May 20, 2016 212 0
00:01 UNEXPLAINED Xbox One Kinect Man captures creepy shadow person on his Xbox One Kinect. (from Faceless Knights) Hecate May 19, 2016 319 0
00:09 Indico Paranormal: Echovox An echovox is a method of contacting the spirit realm by letting the spirit manipulate pre-established syllables and words. In this recording, Sadie, the director of Indico, is told by the spirit that it wishes to attack her! Hecate May 19, 2016 497 0