RM S03E04

Rescue Mediums S03E04: Making Amends (Shelburne)

The Loyalist Inn is home to several guests and many spirits: among them a man who left the army and was promised land for his service. The land never came. The Inn has a long and checkered history and other […]
RM S03E05

Rescue Mediums S03E05: Pulling A Few Strings (Dartmouth)

The icy waters of the North Atlantic surround this port-side town and the Rescue Mediums get much more than they bargained for, once again! A long-dead family member of the homeowner comes to help in the rescue and a puppet […]
RM S0306

Rescue Mediums S03E06: Ladies of the Night (Halifax)

The city of Halifax has been a temporary home to sailors from around the world for hundreds of years.  Sometimes, with sailors around, other industries pop up when they take their shore leave… Often industries run by ladies of the […]
RM S03E07

Rescue Mediums S03E07: Ghostly Attachment (Cambridge)

Near the banks of a fast-flowing river, this modest home has nearly all of its human occupants awake at night. Shadows and bumps and loud conversations are the norm. The daughter has been whispered at and her hair touched while […]
RM S03E11

Rescue Mediums S03E11: Heavy Metal (Galt)

Sinking bones. This old stone home sits on a quiet suburban street. Not much unusual here… except that a sinkhole in the garden contains a ribcage, giant chandeliers move of their own accord, and screams and banging emanates from inside […]
RM S04E01

Rescue Mediums S04E01: Over The Rainbow (Hillsburgh)

In one of the oldest villages in Ontario stands a home that has undergone extensive renovations. It sits on a lot that was once used as a town dumping ground. A dumping ground for many things, possibly including unwanted bodies. […]
RM S04E03

Rescue Mediums S04E03: A Ghostly Art (Georgetown)

The street is quiet, but not so this home. Two girls will not sleep in the basement bedroom and do not even like being in the house. Pictures have flown off walls and electrical appliances are turned on and off. […]