Alison’s Got Your Number October 2021 Numerology Forecast
October is upon us and so are the shorter days and longer nights. All this being influenced by the number 6 which in theory should bring balance to our lives. How can this be the case when our periods of light and dark are so different? Perhaps the balance needs to come in the way we handle these autumnal changes. Take advantage of the prolonged periods of darkness to plan for the times ahead and use the limited supply of daylight sensibly to bring these plans to fruition.
September was all about change preparing us for October, and by focusing on what can be achieved through the darkness we will be able to appreciate the light more sincerely. Now, this could be referring to the practicalities of our day/night times or it could be looking more deeply into our emotional, spiritual, and mental wellbeing. Look out for family and friends who may find this time of year, and the months which follow, difficult, but don’t forget to look out for yourself too.
You can view my forecast for the year at www.facebook.com/wingsofadove62 https://www.feathersmediums.co.uk