Unexplained Stories March 2016 WINNER!
March 23, 2016
Thanks to everyone who entered the Unexplained Stories contest this month. We had five judges: Jackie Dennison (Psychic Medium and co-host of Rescue Mediums), Edna Dargie (head researcher of Rescue Mediums), Marielle Pawson (veryparanormal), Susie Burnett (researcher and PA on Rescue Mediums) and Michael Lamport (co-producer and narrator of Rescue Mediums).
The winning story is by Cathy Schalla. She’ll receive a psychic reading with Jackie Dennison of Rescue Mediums. Her story:
Just two weeks before my wedding, my dad suddenly took ill and passed away. I was pretty upset, stressed, and considered postponing the wedding, but my mom convinced me to go ahead with it. All went well, and, about a month later, my husband and I settled into a basement apartment. We were short on funds, so we couldn’t manage to get the old black phone in the kitchen hooked up. We were without a phone for a while (and this was 1978, so no cell phones).
One night, while my husband was at work and I was fast asleep, the old phone started to ring. It woke me up and, by habit, I sleepily got up to answer it. When I said hello, to my shock, my Dad’s voice responded, “Hello, dear, how are you doing?” All I could say was, “How can I be getting a phone call from you… you’re dead?” There was crackling on the line and it went dead. Shocked and scared, I slammed down the phone and ran to my bed. I pulled the blankets up close around me. Eventually I fell asleep, and in the morning I told my husband about it. He thought I had only dreamed it, but I know I was awake. My Dad talked to me on a phone that wasn’t hooked up.