Alison’s Got Your Number. Numerology report for February 2022

Just like that we find ourselves into the second month, February, and the numerological vibration of 8. We are looking at balance, partnerships, communication, and kindness. Although we are under the influence of the number 8 these things all require at least 2 people to work. Fortunately, February is full of twos.

Looking at balance, we can think of right and wrong; yin/yang; male/female; night/day, and many more. We should consider whether we have the balance right.

Partnerships could be business or personal; even a coming together of two interests.

Both the above require communication to ensure the smooth running or transition of any situation, but also kindness. Our world needs more kindness; more people to express kindness, even if only a smile. Nothing is as bad when balanced with love and kindness.

The 1st sees a New Moon and the start of the Chinese New Year, the year of the Tiger. Now is a good time to plan and focus on your hopes and dreams for the future. Cosmic ordering requires positivity, love, and kindness to manifest.

You can view my forecast for the year at

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