Alison’s got your number Monthly Forecast for February
February and the month for love, and this month we are looking at the vibrations coming from the number 7. But first let me share my initial thoughts, from my numerological mind, and that is 2 x 7 = 14, St. Valentine’s Day.
Did you know that not only is St. Valentine the Patron Saint of Lovers but also of Beekeepers? Interesting that the number 7 symbolises sensitivity which bees can be guilty of as they go about gathering nectar.
Now, back to my forecast. I see the number 7 as being a crutch to support us through the wintery weather but also you may find yourself in need of support as things will appear tough at this time of year. Being ‘confined to barracks’ so to speak may lead you to be more absorbed by your thoughts. Nothing wrong in that but use them in a positive way to plan and move forward. After all, 2021 is the year for change.
Seven is a highly spiritual number and February may see you looking deeper into the meaning of spiritualism and how it connects to you. This fits with my suggestion that your thoughts are channeled into your own personal growth. Times are tough right now but there is plenty of help online and meditation is a great place to start to clear the mind and train your thoughts.
Use the vibration for this month to prepare yourself for the months ahead. Go for a daily walk, leave your phone behind, and connect with the stillness that’s out there. If walking or getting outside isn’t possible, try to spend time every day sitting in the quiet. Clear and calm your mind and you will find anything is possible.
You can view my forecast for the coming year at www.facebook.com/wingsofadove62