We Want to Believe – The Barn: Psychics and 5-0

Peter, Jason and Sarah’s investigation of the allegedly haunted barn is interrupted, not by spirits, but by the police when a passing motorist mistakes the film crew for active shooters! Once that investigative first is out of the way, Peter calls in psychic Jennifer Nash to help the team figure out who — or what — is responsible for the mysterious droplets that plague Dee and haunt… The Barn!

Writer/director/creator Jason Hewlett has this to say about the latest episode: Just when I thought The Barn investigation couldn’t get any weirder, the police showed up! Even Peter, who has pretty much seen it all in this field, was taken aback by this. How we resolve this encounter, you just have to watch. Peter brining in psychic Jennifer Nash took me by surprise, as Peter doesn’t put much stock in what psychics and mediums have to say (nor do I). But he has complete faith in her abilities, and what Jennifer gleaned from The Barn, and how it relates to Dee, certainly added to the investigation.

Next investigation, The Dolls’ House, begins in November!

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