Paranormal Series145 Videos

Phasmophobia S01E06

Phasmophobia S01E06

The participants have a technical challenge to work in pairs with surveillance equipment to monitor areas with reported activity. Who has the guts to investigate what they see? Do they know what is real and what isn’t?
RM S04E04

Rescue Mediums S04E04: Disturbing the Graves (Red Hill)

This ancient indigenous area on the Hamilton Mountain has been the subject of many disputes. In a subdivision near this settlement is a small bungalow with a problem. The owners are Cree natives and they are being haunted by three […]
tgaaw – The Milking

Three Guys and a Witch #11: The Milking

A comedic series about an ancient witch who manipulates three unwitting roommates into helping her resurrect an evil demon. It’s The Hangover meets Scooby Doo meets Rosemary’s Baby.