Paranormal Series145 Videos

RM S02E08

Rescue Mediums S02E08: A Garden of Graves (Palgrave)

Sharing a property line with a local cemetery, this century home in scenic Palgrave, is home to the final resting place of an innumerable amount of souls. The homeowners have experienced a wide scale of spiritual activity, but none have […]
RM S01E04

Rescue Mediums S01E04: Possession (Oshawa)

Demonic spirits in Oshawa A small home in Oshawa seems to be home to terrifying, almost demonic spirits. The Rescue Mediums uncover layers surrounding the haunting that point to the owner being the source of the psychic disturbances.
RM S03E07

Rescue Mediums S03E07: Ghostly Attachment (Cambridge)

Near the banks of a fast-flowing river, this modest home has nearly all of its human occupants awake at night. Shadows and bumps and loud conversations are the norm. The daughter has been whispered at and her hair touched while […]
Phasmophobia S01E05

Phasmophobia S01E05

In the reportedly most haunted town in Australia, Picton, NSW, they concentrate on the Imperial Hotel. The participants go to the cellar, originally part of a tunnel where they transported bodies of patients who died of tuberculosis.
RM S04E03

Rescue Mediums S04E03: A Ghostly Art (Georgetown)

The street is quiet, but not so this home. Two girls will not sleep in the basement bedroom and do not even like being in the house. Pictures have flown off walls and electrical appliances are turned on and off. […]
tgaaw – The New Beginning

Three Guys and a Witch #10: The New Beginning

A comedic series about an ancient witch who manipulates three unwitting roommates into helping her resurrect an evil demon. It’s The Hangover meets Scooby Doo meets Rosemary’s Baby.
RM S06E06

Rescue Mediums S06E06: Hannah And No Sisters (Hamilton)

A young couple fears for the safety of their children in a house that is crying out for help. The residents dread the onset of darkness and feel the spirit watching them. The Rescue Mediums attempt to re-unite two lost […]

Ghost Cases: White Hart Hotel (eps. 6)

Paul and Holly join a group of investigators from the UK. The White Hart Hotel is reported to be haunted by demonic activity while others have reported seeing the ghost of a playful little boy.