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RM S07E11

Rescue Mediums S07E11: Nelson

A couple has things moving around in their home, but they have rearranged nothing. The previously skeptical husband has changed his tune and the Rescue Mediums uncover a ghostly presence who likes spirits –the drinking kind!
RM S04E12

Rescue Mediums S04E12: Spirits in the City (Dane Ave)

In the Northwest part of Toronto, Joe and Mary built their dream house eighteen years ago. A lavish interior on a quiet residential street where they could bring up their two children, Suzanne and Neil, now 25 and 28 years […]
RM S06E13

Rescue Mediums S06E13: Lettuce Pray (Cabbagetown)

This big-city home has had ghosts around it for years. The Rescue Mediums watch as the spirit moves through a wall to another apartment and feel they must follow. A family reunion and a happy ending may be in sight.
Ghost Asylum

Ghost Asylum

A turn-of-the-century asylum built on a lonely mountain top in central Illinois has a past of untold mysteries, like 4000 numbered graves and rumors of many more that lie hidden. The dead are silent no more. Paranormal Investigators are slowly […]
RM S02E08

Rescue Mediums S02E08: A Garden of Graves (Palgrave)

Sharing a property line with a local cemetery, this century home in scenic Palgrave, is home to the final resting place of an innumerable amount of souls. The homeowners have experienced a wide scale of spiritual activity, but none have […]
RM S03E02

Rescue Mediums S03E02: Marching into the Light (Alliston)

WWI ghost The homeowner’s children have seen a man dressed in full WWI military gear marching up and down their upstairs corridor. Passersby have remarked on the figure that sits in the upstairs window and looks out onto the street. […]
RM S02E04

Rescue Mediums S02E04: Suburban Spirits (Agincourt)

Since 1997, strange happenings have been occurring in this beautiful, antique-filled suburban home. The family has been bothered by poltergeist activity, their two dogs become agitated weekly and often stare into space for hours, the kitchen radio spews static—even when […]
RM S05E06

Rescue Mediums S05E06: The Pewter In Pickering (Pickering)

The homeowners in this small bungalow have an uninvited guest or two. The occupants have been grabbed and spoken to by the spirits that linger in their home. The backyard has some spiritual secrets of its own. The Rescue Mediums […]
RM S03E11

Rescue Mediums S03E11: Heavy Metal (Galt)

Sinking bones. This old stone home sits on a quiet suburban street. Not much unusual here… except that a sinkhole in the garden contains a ribcage, giant chandeliers move of their own accord, and screams and banging emanates from inside […]