Videos596 Videos

GHOST – The Golden Lion

G.H.O.S.T.: The Golden Lion

The team digs into the spiritual secrets of an old British pub. They’ve left trigger objects from a previous visit and seek out what’s causing the growls and voices.
RM S07E10

Rescue Mediums S07E10: Father Knows Best (Ironwood Rd.)

A gentle, caring family is constantly being disturbed by footsteps and poltergeist activity. They feel the spirits in their home are violent. The Rescue Mediums also sense a frightened spirit. Alison is taken over by the spirit and the smell […]
The Fortress

SKPI: The Fortress

Josie and John walk through corridors and narrow spaces in a Spanish Civil War Fortress and experience several EVP incidents.

Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes – Episode 2

Episode 2 of the web series Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes An interview by Sandy Duncan with: Jackie Dennison & Alison Wynne-Ryder (the show hosts), Michael Lamport (Producer/Narrator/Writer), and Edna Dargie (the director of research). This video is about some […]