Jackie’s blog – Crystal Ball Scrying. What do I see ?

My name is Jackie Dennison and I am the clairvoyant host and psychic artist on Rescue Mediums TV Show and the proprietor of Feathers Academy in Northwich, England. Today I am working with my crystal ball. What do I see in it ? How do I see these things and who are the messages for ? Perhaps its just for you.



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  1. hi there. Its not bad at all, it simply means that you are not meant to see your own features. Own reflection is not always evident. That is absolutely fine. In fact it would probably be helpful not to see your own reflection as you are meant to be bypassing that and looking into the centre of the crystal ball. The ball of course is a sphere and so you are not meant to be looking at the centre of the surface but as if your gaze is focusing on the inside of the ball, the very centre. Or even trying to see beyond that to the other side of the ball. When working with a pure crystal ball rather than a glass one, the focus tends to be on the various inclusions in the crystal itself which change as the light reflects on it. It can be helpful to turn the crystal ball round especially when working with pure crystal as the inclusions start to take on shapes, or you see something within the inclusion. Always go with how it ‘feels’ when working with crystal ball as all of your different clairvoyant senses will be heightened. So you may be working with even your sense of smell clairvoyantly. Dont rule anything out and most of all relax and dont try too hard. Good luck x

  2. What does it mean if I can’t see my own face in my glass ball? I can see my torso, hand, etc., I can see my kidlet sitting across from me, face and all, but even when I move the light my own face is just a grey blob on my shoulders. Is that bad?

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