RM S01E04

Rescue Mediums S01E04: Possession (Oshawa)

Demonic spirits in Oshawa A small home in Oshawa seems to be home to terrifying, almost demonic spirits. The Rescue Mediums uncover layers surrounding the haunting that point to the owner being the source of the psychic disturbances.

Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes – Episode 4

Episode 4 “Q & A” of the web series Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes In this episode we answer some of the questions that have been asked by fans of the show. There were so many interesting questions that we […]

Jackie’s blog – Atlantis reading

Atlantis holds a fascination for many people, myself included. My name is Jackie Dennison and many of you will know me from Rescue Mediums TV Show. I would like to take you back to the time of Atlantis and to […]
RM S06E13

Rescue Mediums S06E13: Lettuce Pray (Cabbagetown)

This big-city home has had ghosts around it for years. The Rescue Mediums watch as the spirit moves through a wall to another apartment and feel they must follow. A family reunion and a happy ending may be in sight.

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes Ep 11

Why would spirit break a vase and what challenges did the Rescue Mediums team encounter during the making of the series? Lets go behind the scenes to find out. Hosted by: Sandy Duncan with Michael Lamport, Producer & Narrator. Edna […]
RM S03E04

Rescue Mediums S03E04: Making Amends (Shelburne)

The Loyalist Inn is home to several guests and many spirits: among them a man who left the army and was promised land for his service. The land never came. The Inn has a long and checkered history and other […]