Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes S3E3 Halloween Special

In ‘All Hallows Eve’ tradition, the Rescue Mediums team share some of their darkest and scariest experiences whilst filming the series. Who was the invisible energy that Edna encountered whilst doing her research ? What did Producer Michael Lamport endure […]

Alison’s got your number July 2021 forecast

  The year is slipping away too quickly, we’re already into July and the numerological vibration of the number 3. I suggest that now is the time to release your inner child. Whether this is because schools will be closing […]

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes season 2 ep 6

The loss of his entire family who drowned on The Lusitania caused Daniel Lambie to cause ghostly havoc to Sheralyn and her Mother Laura. Sheralyn would fight with an unseen entity night after night. How did the story unfold, and […]