Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes – Episode 1

Episode 1 of the web series Rescue Mediums’ Behind the Scenes An interview by Sandy Duncan with Michael Lamport, Producer/Narrator/Writer Edna Dargie, Director of Research Jackie Dennison, Clairvoyant Medium & Psychic Artist/Host

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes, season 2 ep 4

The residents of the house hear ghostly foot steps, and feel they are being watched. Previous psychics have refused to enter the property. So how did the Rescue Mediums react when they were confronted with an angry male spirit and […]

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes S2E12 Spirit Attachment

A teenage girl overcome by an attached spirit is the subject of this episode of Behind the Scenes. How did the Rescue Mediums detach the entity and restore peace ? Featuring Rescue Mediums ‘Baylor Drive’ S7E4 Behind the Scenes […]
RM S06E08

Rescue Mediums S06E08: Of Hay and Horses (Mansfield)

This beautiful farmhouse surrounded by rolling hills is the centre of some very dark shadows that worry the owners. Jackie and Alison feel a spirit’s pain and discover the man who built the house. He reveals a tragic tale of […]

Rescue Mediums Behind the Scenes Episode 10

Did the crew ever want to try and rescue the rescue mediums from spirit during filming ? How did Jackie and Alison feel about being pinched and punched by an angry spirit? and what happens when the cameras stop rolling? […]
RM S04E10

Rescue Mediums S04E10: Neigh-sayers No More! (Harrowsmith)

A small, idyllic horse farm sits near the famous Wilton Cheese Factory. Occupied by Lorraine, a Kingston hospital nurse, her husband, a Canadian Military officer, and their daughter. Lorraine feels at home with the spirits, but not so for the […]