In a tranquil suburban home, a young daughter has been possessed by a restless spirit. The family has intervened to find out the cause and a way to make the entity leave.
The Rescue Mediums find that a daughter’s use of the Ouija Board had brought some unexpected guests home. Tobogganing to their destination, Jackie and Alison uncover the spirits and an amazing mining history of the area.
A century home that now serves as part daycare has been visited by many spirits. The homeowners have had paranormal investigation teams in before. When the Rescue Mediums get there, they uncover some ghosts and more!
In this lovely neighbourhood pub, some patrons have stayed well beyond last call. Jackie and Alison discover a sad secret and help a troubled spirit to cross over. They let the other ghosties stay around; after all, they don’t have […]
The Rescue Mediums come across a psychic young woman who is terrified because of the things she sees in her home. She and her mother live with many, many spirits. Jackie and Alison chase the apparitions around the house and […]
Noises and a feeling of an evil presence pervades the house. Jackie is powerfully over-shadowed by a long-dead Sea Captain who used to ply the waters of the West Indies. The homeowners have been troubled for years and feel as […]
A gentle, caring family is constantly being disturbed by footsteps and poltergeist activity. They feel the spirits in their home are violent. The Rescue Mediums also sense a frightened spirit. Alison is taken over by the spirit and the smell […]
A couple has things moving around in their home, but they have rearranged nothing. The previously skeptical husband has changed his tune and the Rescue Mediums uncover a ghostly presence who likes spirits –the drinking kind!
The Rescue Mediums have been called to a gentle home with some very dark spirits. The homeowners have been woken up with shaking beds and footsteps. Alison nearly succumbs to the dark spirit’s strength.
Historic Penetanguishene is the home of a wonderful museum that records the area’s vibrant past. The museum is loaded with artifacts and the spirits of people linked to them. Jackie and Alison have their work cut out for them as […]
Rescue Mediums’ Behind The Scenes is an exciting and interesting look at what goes into and what happens during the making of Rescue Mediums. The hosts, Jackie Dennison and Alison Wynne-Ryder are joined in video chats by the show’s producer, […]
Did spirit guides influence the Rescue Mediums decision to work on the show? Do spirits haunt graveyards? and what do the Rescue Mediums think about fairies and elementals? These were just some of the questions asked by the fans of […]