(pictured: Mark & Trevor) January 5, 2016 OGPS Filming & Investigations was founded in early 2010 and is Ontario’s first openly gay paranormal society. They’re breaking down the walls within the paranormal world & the LGBT community. They’ve been filming […]
A shipwreck that has deep connections to a property owner. A love story that echoes in the present day………Join the Rescue Mediums team as they discuss a particularly moving episode of Rescue Mediums that was directly connected to a […]
HauntingLIVE! did a live podcast from the Historical Building that is in the heart of downtown Kitchener, Ontario. This location once stood as the former Goudies …
The Psychic Point of View is a series that delves into the world of the unexplained. Through interviews with psychics, animal communicators, UFO investigators, ghosthunters and many others that explore the mystical world, The Psychic Point of View will peel […]
November 25, 2015 Sadie Forth started actively investigating paranormal phenomena “properly” in 2013 with a local group. She founded Indico Paranormal later that year when her passion to understand her past ghostly experiences and a desire to help others caught […]
March 11, 2016 Vijay Persaud has been a personal trainer for over eighteen years and mixed martial artist for twenty-nine years. The thrill of finding what’s out there has driven him to be a paranormal investigator since 1996. He’s the […]
The residents of the house hear ghostly foot steps, and feel they are being watched. Previous psychics have refused to enter the property. So how did the Rescue Mediums react when they were confronted with an angry male spirit and […]
Blood running down Alison’s face, a picture being thrown from a wall, a rescue in a wood in the dead of night and a mysterious spirit duo who are trying to help are all the subject of this episode of […]
A horrific tale unfolds as the Rescue Mediums follow the psychic trail to discover who the shadow man is who is haunting this young couples home. In this episode of Behind the Scenes the team talk about how this particular […]
Spirit interlopers who invade a tranquil residence and a desperate male spirit haunted by guilt ! Join the Rescue Mediums team as they talk about this emotional episode ‘Erindale – A watery grave’ S7E8 with Sandy Duncan. The original Rescue […]
Haunted History, Psychics on the ghost trail… is a history show with a psychic twist. Every place has a history, but what if you were to hear what happened from the spirits who once inhabited that space? Jackie Dennison (Rescue […]