00:18 SKPI: The Fortress Josie and John walk through corridors and narrow spaces in a Spanish Civil War Fortress and experience several EVP incidents. Hecate May 12, 2016 223 0
01:00 UK Ghosthunters: The Derby Barracks The team feels anxious as they investigate this seemingly normal-looking building. There have been paranormal reports both day and night that invlove large objects moving of their own accord, a child singing, and a spirit crouching in one of the […] Hecate April 22, 2016 222 0
00:03 SKPI: Dance of the Orbs A man and two women chat in a dark room when suddenly small orbs appear, move, then disappear in dancing form. Hecate May 12, 2016 220 0
00:07 PRISM: Villa Paula Investigation of a property in Little Haiti, Miami, Florida. Hecate April 22, 2016 218 0
00:06 PRISM: O’Connors Irish Pub Katie, the pub owner, asks if there are any spirits in the bar (aside from that kind, of course). She gets an answer immediately. Hecate April 22, 2016 213 0
00:53 HPP: Nanticoke Valley Cemetery Part 1 Shadowy figures alleged to have been seen and voices saying “murder” and “get out” bring the HPP team to Nanticoke Valley Cemetery in Union, New York. Hecate May 11, 2016 210 0
00:04 HPP: Unnamed Cemetery Part 2 The HPP team presents its findings from the unnamed cemetery. Hecate May 11, 2016 206 0
00:35 Proo(f): The Peterborough County Jail Proof investigates the Peterborough County Jail. Hecate June 1, 2016 204 0
00:04 ParaShorts: Haunting Classifications ParaShorts discusses various forms of hauntings. Hecate April 22, 2016 203 0
00:06 SKPI: Josie Scrying Josie makes contact with a spirit through mirror scrying, with intense shivering, at a former 1850s coaching inn. Hecate May 12, 2016 203 0
00:18 PRISM: A Decade of PRISM Snippets from the past decade of investigations by the group. Hecate April 22, 2016 202 0