Unnamed Cemetery Part 1

HPP: Unnamed Cemetery Part 1

Rumours of ghostly voices of children at play bring the HPP team to an unnamed cemetery in New York State for an intriguing evening of ghosthunting.
PRISM – Villisca Axe Murder House

PRISM: Villisca Axe Murder House

Eight people were viciously murdered with an axe in this house in Iowa in 1868. The murderer was never found and it remains Iowa’s oldest unsolved mystery. During this investigation, we can hear remarkably clear EVPs of two of the […]
RM S02E06

Rescue Mediums S02E06: Chasing Ghosts (Kirkfield)

This mansion, built in 1896 for Sir William Mackenzie and his wife Margaret, has ghosts in every nook and cranny. While filming this episode there was a complete power outage in the area and a tree split and crashed down […]
RM S02E07

Rescue Mediums S02E07: Disturbing the Spirits (Maple)

A road leading to a new subdivision of family homes has been widened and has disturbed the resting ground of many spirits. This young family has experienced all manner of visitations: shadows, noises, movements and having their names called out […]
RM S04E07

Rescue Mediums S04E07: Campground Capers (Ponderosa)

The Ponderosa Campground: some residents live year-round and some come and go in the summer. Some never leave at all. Four suicides and several inexplicable deaths have occurred on the property, and many residents testify that they have witnessed a […]