Michael’s Blog 1: Rescue Mediums Rises

Michael Lamport is the co-creator, co-producer, and narrator of Rescue Mediums. He hosts veryparanormal’s new series How Are Your Spirits? where he returns to houses and businesses from Rescue Mediums and finds out how they’re doing with their spirits now. […]

Michael’s Blog 2: Who You Gonna Call?

Michael Lamport is the co-creator, c0-producer, and narrator of  Rescue Mediums. He hosts veryparanormal’s new series How Are Your Spirits? where he returns to houses and businesses from Rescue Mediums and finds out how they’re doing with their spirits now. […]

Michael’s Blog 3: Churchill Mansion

Michael Lamport is the co-creator, co-producer, and narrator of  Rescue Mediums. He hosts veryparanormal’s new series  How Are Your Spirits? where he returns to houses and businesses from Rescue Mediums and finds out how they’re doing with their spirits now. […]

Michael’s Blog 4: The Interrogation

Michael Lamport is the co-creator, co-producer, and narrator of Rescue Mediums. He hosts veryparanormal’s new series How Are Your Spirits? where he returns to houses and businesses from Rescue Mediums and finds out how they’re doing with their spirits now. […]

Michael’s Blog 5: Strangely Strange but Oddly Normal

Michael Lamport is the co-creator, co-producer, and narrator of Rescue Mediums… He hosts veryparanormal’s new series How Are Your Spirits? where he returns to houses and businesses from Rescue Mediums and finds out how they’re doing with their spirits now. […]
My Project UFO

My Project UFO

A documentary about a young woman’s journey in search of witnesses, evidence, and explanations regarding UFO phenomena. Interviews with experts, witnesses, UFO enthusiasts, and other professionals offer mixed perspectives and ideas. For the hardcore believer, skeptic, and those sitting on […]

Negative removal Hampton Court UK

I was visiting Hampton Court in England when I felt a negative entity in the cold storage chamber. I decided to remove it much to my friend Howards amazement

New England Vampire Story

Read this article and thought it would make a great read for our followers here on veryparanormal.com The New England Vampire Panic – Fishwrap The official blog of Newspapers.com