The Vortex24 Videos

The Vortex: Super Creepy Fashion Spells

Did someone piss-off Zeus? (source: Telegraph UK ) The June Issue of The Spellery – a magazine for the novice to seasoned witch – is here. [via joomag] 12 creeptacular GIFs for your Monday! [via Cracked] Is the popularity of […]

The Vortex: December 18, 2015

(source: Alice Smeets) THE VORTEX is where we look at what paranormal and new age stories were pulled into our realm this week. Two astronauts aboard Gemini 6 in 1965 report to Mission Control, “We have an object, looks like […]

The Vortex: Everything Wrong with Political Auroras

(source: Ever seen the Northern Lights… from space? Here’s a gallery of “Amazing Auroras” from 2015 that includes a few from beyond the terrestrial. [via] We know to take what politicians say with a grain of salt – […]

The Vortex: Conjuring Poisonous Hobbits

Looking for a hobbit who loves to laugh. (source: Scientific American) Arsenic wafers, lead powder, and mouse fur eyebrows – the deadly and gross ways women kept up their appearance in centuries past. [via All Day] Why would I want […]

The Vortex: December 24, 2015

(source: A John Leech illustration from A Christmas Carol, 1842.) THE VORTEX is where we look at what paranormal and new age stories were pulled into our realm this week. What do the skies forecast for you in 2016? [via […]

The Vortex: Sinking WWII Vampires

He looks devastated no one wants to kick him out. (source: Snopes) March 4, 2016 I disagree with the first statement in this article. I think happiness is possible to achieve; you have to realize that happiness does not mean […]

The Vortex: Night Dancing Murder Trees

Get out of the road! (source: Week in Weird) These things found in walls are not strictly paranormal but they’re certainly not normal (let’s hope not). [via Ranker] As if “fourteen-year-old Nancy Kerlin married William Bartlett, popped out eleven kids, […]

The Vortex: January 8, 2016

(source: Marja-Terttu Karlsson) THE VORTEX is where we look at what paranormal and new age stories were pulled into our realm this week. January 8, 2016 Happy New Year, Explorers! I hope your holidays were refreshing (as much as they […]

The Vortex: Old Timey Haunted Millennials

Nope. (source: Cracked) March 7, 2016 “13 Old Timey Photos That Prove History Was Haunted”. Creeped out from the get-go with those hooded mothers lurking behind their small children, but that ventriloquist’s dummies were even more horrifying in a previous […]

The Vortex: January 19, 2016

(source: Charles Fréger, Courtesy Yossi Milo Gallery, New York) The paranormal and new age stories that were pulled into our realm this week. Photos of men donning pagan ritualistic costumes taken by Charles Fréger as he journeyed through 19 European […]

The Vortex: Dreaming Demon Sensations

Are you ticklish? (source: Inuit Myths) The ever-laughing Inuit demon Mahaha could tickle you to death. [via Inuit Myths] Funeral traditions from around the globe include beads made from compressed ashes, corpses with lit cigarettes in their mouths, and remains […]

The Vortex: January 29, 2016

(source: Business Insider) The paranormal and new age stories that were pulled into our realm this week. Are horror films not worthy of Academy Award noms? Arguably the scripts are too violent and formulaic, but not even make-up, special effects, […]