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Edna’s Blog 2: The Rescue

March 3, 2016 Edna Dargie was the Head Researcher for all 89 episodes of Rescue Mediums. As a retired school principal, she brought her professionalism and love for historic accuracy and detail to the show. Edna’s blog is about her […]

The Vortex: Paranoid Sleepwalking Monks

“No, you’ve got a butt face.” (source: Blastr) April 12, 2016 I want to be cremated and possibly grown into a tree in one of those natural burial pods. But I have to respect people who do wacky things with […]

The Vortex: Swirling Arctic UFOs

Boring place to suntan and/or haunt. (source: Atlas Obscura) What could be causing this strange swirling mist? Investigators claim it’s the spirits of seven dead monks. [VIDEO via Daily Mail] Myanmar’s new capital city of Naypyidaw: “The project has been […]

Jackie’s blog – Atlantis reading

Atlantis holds a fascination for many people, myself included. My name is Jackie Dennison and many of you will know me from Rescue Mediums TV Show. I would like to take you back to the time of Atlantis and to […]

The Vortex: Lucid Irish Ghost Plants

‘I swear that potato man wasn’t there before!’ (source: Flickr craftydogma) March 17, 2016 “7 Creatures of Irish Folklore”. Drink when you see an Abhartach! But remember to kill him and bury him upside down to stop his magic, because […]


The ex-pat life! Now Spain really is feeling like home. Rather than carrying on with so many posts from social media, I thought I would sum up what it’s really like moving to another Country.  I have been set up […]

The Vortex: Dreaming Demon Sensations

Are you ticklish? (source: Inuit Myths) The ever-laughing Inuit demon Mahaha could tickle you to death. [via Inuit Myths] Funeral traditions from around the globe include beads made from compressed ashes, corpses with lit cigarettes in their mouths, and remains […]

Interview: Brad Mavin from PROO(f)

January 25, 2016 Brad Mavin is the founder of PROO(f) (Paranormal Researchers of Ontario; the (f) is the unknown factor in the investigation: fear). He’s been interested in the paranormal since his early childhood. Ghost stories are part and parcel […]

Alison’s blog – The Quirky Medium in Spain!

Jumping off the Lilypad? When you lead a spiritual life one thing very often leads to another, and for those who’ve read the Quirky Medium, you already know my background, how I became a Clairvoyant Medium and co-host on the […]

LIVE Paranormal Investigation: Bowmanville Museum

LIVE Paranormal Investigation of the Bowmanville Museum April 9th at 9pm ET Join veryparanormal host Michael Lamport and medium Sandy Duncan on a live streaming investigation with Proo(f) to seek the spirits of the Bowmanville Museum. Watch on Facebook. More […]

The Vortex: December 18, 2015

(source: Alice Smeets) THE VORTEX is where we look at what paranormal and new age stories were pulled into our realm this week. Two astronauts aboard Gemini 6 in 1965 report to Mission Control, “We have an object, looks like […]