Alison’s got your number for April 2021
What does Alison’s numerology report reveal for the month of April ?
Springing into April on the 9 vibration which for numerologists signifies the end of a phase and the beginning of another. In other words, change, which you will recall I mentioned last month.
We are moving out of the cold, dark days of winter and moving forwards into lighter and brighter days. You should be feeling a spring in your step, a weight lifted off your shoulders and the promise of things getting better both in your personal and business lives.
It’s time to put the past well and truly where it belongs and look forward. We can’t change the past we can only learn from it.
As well as number 9 signifying the end of a period, it also represents the end of the numerological ‘calendar’. With this in mind, tie up any loose ends this month as May will be the month for new beginnings. My Guide is telling me you need to dot the I’s and cross the T’s. Only you know what that means for you.
You can view my forecast for the coming year at www.facebook.com/wingsofadove62
You can also connect with Alison Wilkinson at http://www.feathersmediums.co.uk