Paranormal Series145 Videos

In Tenebris S01E01

In Tenebris S01E01

Set in the historic village of Coal Creek, Andrea Kaldy, a medium, and Beth Luscombe, a paranormal investigator, travel to Melbourne to meet up with the Australian Paranormal Society. Team medium Lionel uses his traumatic life experiences to connect with […]
RM S01E08

Rescue Mediums S01E08: What’s Behind The Door? (Bervie)

Spirit Animals A 130-year old home that survived town fires, the Rescue Mediums come up against ghosts and very unlikely animals: a roaring lion lives across the street, and a birdhouse of gargantuan proportions. The homeowner is psychic and teams […]
tgaaw – The Witch

Three Guys and a Witch #2: The Witch

A comedic series about an ancient witch who manipulates three unwitting roommates into helping her resurrect an evil demon. It’s The Hangover meets Scooby Doo meets Rosemary’s Baby.

Ghost Cases: Bridestones Radio Station (eps. 9)

Paul and Holly investigate a popular and potentially haunted Manchester radio station and then spend the evening at a 10,000 year old burial site near Congleton, England where a ghostly Druid monk has been reportedly seen.

Rescue Mediums S02E12: Suffer the Children (Guelph)

This house in a relatively new sub-division is home to a young family with three wonderful kids. But the parents are worried. The middle child has seen the shadow of a spirit that goes by the name of Mr. Jenkins. […]
RM S0707

Rescue Mediums S07E07: The Haunted Pub! (Filly and Firkin)

In this lovely neighbourhood pub, some patrons have stayed well beyond last call. Jackie and Alison discover a sad secret and help a troubled spirit to cross over. They let the other ghosties stay around; after all, they don’t have […]
In Tenebris S01E02

In Tenebris S01E02

Pushing boundaries again, the investigator and the medium, representing two opposite though not opposing sides of the spectrum, put the dreaded Ouija board to the test. With some provocation, assertion and a good dose of curiosity, this episode will make […]